What does synthetic mean ?
Natural or synthetic?
Like lily of the valley, lilac, violet and carnation are mute flowers. Mute, because extracting a single scent from these flowers is utopian.
To the great despair of perfumers, it is still impossible to obtain natural scents from these flowers. This is also the case for most fruits such as figs, raspberries and pineapples. Only citrus fruits produce a natural smell through the cold expression process. Did you know that it takes 200 kg of fruit to produce 1 kg of essential oil?
Naturally no, but synthetically yes!
In perfumery, we often talk about natural and synthetic. An ingredient is said to be natural when it is directly extracted from nature and has never been modified. This is the case for citrus fruits, woods or even certain flowers such as roses.
On parle souvent de naturel et de synthétique en parfumerie. Un ingrédient est dit naturel lorsqu’il est directement extrait de la nature, et qu’il n’a jamais été modifié. C’est le cas des agrumes, des bois ou encore de certaines fleurs comme la rose.
The essential is to know how to perfume yourself !
“How to perfume yourself? Is it useful to perfume your clothes? Are there any tricks to make my perfume last all day?”
Lost? Don’t worry! Perfume is a daily gesture that we do not always master. The Essential Parfums team is here to help you.
So, here are 5 tips that will help you to better perfume yourself and to know the essentials on the art of perfume :
It smells cliché over here
Floral, fresh and sparkling fragrances are feminine, woody, rough and powerful fragrances are masculine. Clichés are hard to break. Like so many others, the perfume industry does not escape gender stereotypes by pigeonholing scents and perfumes.